Entwined with you release date kindle
Entwined with you release date kindle

entwined with you release date kindle

They want submissions from neurodiverse writers – fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, and comics. Pay: $40-80 for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry $20-40 for reviewsįat Coyote Literary Arts: Neurodivergent writers Length: Up to 5,000 words for prose, up to 5 poems the 625 War, a.k.a The Fatherland Liberation War).” They are also open for fiction, nonfiction (interviews, reviews, essays, narrative nonfiction), poetry, translations, and art (including graphic narratives, and photo and video essays) on the general issues that pertain to the magazine’s themes. Original works may be in any language other than English but should address issues resulting from (or directly related to) what we in the US call the Korean War (a.k.a. We are looking for translated prose, poetry, and graphic/visual arts that engage with these experiences. They have a special translation feature on Korea: “This project aims to highlight the ongoing experiences of North and South Koreans as their countries remain inexorably entwined in war. This magazine addresses work on the human consequences and realities of war and geopolitical violence. Their next upcoming theme is ‘In the Spirit!’, to be published in December.Ĭonsequence Magazine: Consequences of war and geopolitical violence translation feature on Korea Essays, humor, satire, personal experience, and features on topics relating to women are their focus areas. They want first-person, nonfiction material that is for or about women. Please note, their deadline date has been moved up. We want to showcase authors who write uncommon fiction.” Some examples are: witches in space, romances that flip gender roles, alternate histories set in the near-future, and fairy tales that start after the ‘happily ever after’. Send us the story that you can’t classify: a story that can’t be pigeon-holed into a single subgenre, or that pushes against your genre’s boundaries. Authors whose stories twist the tropes to showcase in a cross-genre anthology of stories that entertain, but read fresh and new. “We’re looking for genre authors who cross boundaries. Wandering Wave Press: Tumbled Tales 1 – Stories that Upend Genre Conventions Diverse cultures and non-traditional legends and persons welcomed.” Tempt us with their twisted workings across time and space, colors and creeds.” Also, “Original “dark mermaid” short stories and poetry in the genres of fantasy, science fiction, horror, humor, and romance, appropriate for a “PG-13” audience. Show us their schemes and villainous wiles, the fairytales that end in blood. Give us your mermaids who fought for the wrong reasons, made tough by their circumstances or by their own choices. “We’re sounding the ship’s bell for stories about malevolent and merciless merfolk of all kinds. There can be little better narrative material than stories of recovery, and we can’t wait to see all the ways you interpret the theme.” See guidelines for examples on addiction narratives, stories of overcoming physical setbacks, wartime experiences, abuse stories taking on supernatural notes, psychological horror, or those that are abstract, realistic, stylized, or eerie. They can be noble, or they can be attempted for all the wrong reasons.

entwined with you release date kindle

… Recoveries can be successful, or valiant in the mere attempt. On the Recovery theme, “we’re looking for stories of people who faced immense challenges and found a way to come out the other side.

entwined with you release date kindle

Also see this list for more themed calls a few deadlines are coming up. Some of the calls are: In the Spirit! the consequence of war and geopolitical violence sand, salt, blood solarpunk creatures family homeless nation constellations abandon love Frankenstein and dragonesque (stories from a dragon’s POV). Here are some themed calls and contests for writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

Entwined with you release date kindle